Our team
Clay Pattee

Founder // John Grace

"One evening, I saw a local news segment reporting a high number of people were getting hurt in home fires in Grand Rapids. I reached out to the GRFD to get more information and found out that most of the fires were preventable, and most of the people getting hurt did not have any working smoke detectors. I knew at that moment that I wanted to help."

Charity Bennett

Chief Transformation Officer // Health Alliance Plan

"I am part of the GRFD Prevention Foundation because I lost my husband and son in 2011 in a house fire at our home. I would like to be a part of not having that happen to anyone else. "

Derik Rynerson

Shareholder - Tax // Doeren Mayhew

"I joined the board because my family has been directly impacted by a house fire.  Being a board member is one small contribution I can make to the members of the community in which I work to ensure they never have to experience such a tragedy."

John Whitten

Founding Principal Architect // Spark 43 Architects

"Through our work with John Grace we have been witnesses to the impact residential structure fires have on our community first hand.  Understanding that the difference between life and death in a fire is often determined by a working smoke detector, we were compelled to help the board and the GRFD provide free resources to the community in an effort to end fire related fatalities in Grand Rapids."

Kayleigh Kramer-Frederick

Event Coordinator // The City of Grand Rapids

With a GRFD family background, it's important to me to be involved in my own way and continue to impact the community in ways that can save lives.

Mike Brouwers

President // The Brouwers Agency

"As an insurance agent in Grand Rapids, fire prevention and education impacts my daily life.  Any work we can do to lessen tragedies related to fire is work worth doing."